Frequently Asked Questions About Kumasi High School

Q1 Is Kumasi High School a boarding school?

Yes, is a boarding school.

Q2 Does Kumasi High School offer Agricultural Science?

Yes, they offer Agricultural Science.

Q3 Does Kumasi High School Offer General Science?

Yes, they do offer.

Q4 Does Kumasi High School Offer Technical/Vocational Training?

No is not.

Q5 Has Kumasi High School ever won the National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) before?

No, they have never won it before.

Q6 Which region can Kumasi High School be located in?

Ashanti region.

Q7 Is Kumasi High School a single-sex school?

Yes is a single-sex boys’ school.

Q8 Is Kumasi High School a category A school?

Yes is a category A school.

Q9 How old is Kumasi High School?

61 years old.


Q10 What color is their uniform?



Q11 Is Kumasi High School a vocational/technical school?

No is not.


Q12 Who founded Kumasi High School?

S. K. Amoah.


Q13 Some of the courses offered?

Agricultural science, General Arts, Business…


Q14 Sports or academics focused?

Both sports and academic focused.

Q15 Some top personalities (old students)

Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum


Q16 Are they good in science? do they have a science lab?

Yes, they are good and they have a science lab.


Q17 Contact details

024 419 8684


Q18 Kumasi High School alliance school?

Kumasi Girls.


Q19 Sports awards they have won?

Ashanti Regional Inter-Schools football competition.


Q20 Is it a free SHS school?

Yes, it is.

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