


1 / 40

1) If P = {multiples of 4 less than 16}, find P.

2 / 40

2) The addition below was obtained out in base x. Find x

3 / 40

3) A farmer left home at 4:35 a.m. and arrived on his farm at 6:18 am. How long did he take to get to his farm?

4 / 40

4) Express 2474.5 in standard form.

5 / 40

5) Simplify 1½ + 2¼ – 3⅝

6 / 40

6) Find the next two numbers in the sequence, 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, _, _.

7 / 40

7) The sum of the three numbers is 28,542. Two of the numbers are 10,250 and 9,750. Find the third number.

8 / 40

8) 135 pencils were to be packed into boxes. Each box could take 12 pencils. Find the number of boxes that were fully packed.

9 / 40

9) Which of the fractions ¹³∕₂₀, ⅗, ¾, and ⁷∕₁₀ is the greatest?

10 / 40

10) Out of ¢550,000.00 given to a school, an amount of ¢325,000.00 was used. What fraction of the total amount was used?

11 / 40

11) 8 girls can weed a plot of land in 10 days. How many days will 5 girls take to weed the same plot of land, if they work at the same rate?

12 / 40

12) Kofi bought four pencils at ¢200.00 each and five pens at ¢350.00 each. How much did he pay altogether?

13 / 40

13) John’s uncle sent him ¢120,000.00 through a bank which charges 5% commission. How much commission was paid?

14 / 40

14) A mapping is defined by x→ x² – 1. What is the image of 3 under the mapping?

15 / 40

15) A typist charges ¢2,000.00 for first 5 sheets typed and ¢600.00 for any additional sheet. How much will Barbara pay, if she presents 20 sheets for typing?

16 / 40

16) Ama covered a distance of 100 m in 12 seconds. Express her speed in kilometres per hour.

17 / 40

17) Yakubu, Seidu and Amina shared an amount of money in the ratio 3:4:5. Find how much was shared, if Amina received ¢40,000.00.

18 / 40

18) Abban paid ¢630,000 for a bicycle at a discount of 10%. Find the actual selling price of the bicycle.

19 / 40

19) The population of a town in 1990 was 88,000. The population increased by 20% in 1998. Find the population in 1998.

20 / 40

20) a * b = 2a – b , find 3 * 2.

21 / 40

21) If r = m+1/m-2, express m in terms of r.

22 / 40

22) Forty percent of students in a class speak Ga and seventy five percent speak Twi.

What percentage of the class speak both Ga and Twi?

23 / 40

23) Forty percent of students in a class speak Ga and seventy five percent speak Twi.

If there are 40 students in the class, how many of them speak twi?

24 / 40

24) A point (2, 1) is reflected in the y-axis. Find its image.

25 / 40

25) Expand (2a + b)(a – b)

26 / 40

26) If s = (-1 4) and r = (3 2), find 3s + r.

27 / 40

27) Solve for y in the equation: ⅓y +⅕y = 8

28 / 40


Which of the following statements best describes the construction above?

29 / 40


In the diagram above, ∆STR is the enlargement of ∆PQR. If |PQ| = 2.4 cm, |TQ| = 8 cm and |QR| = 4 cm, find |ST|.

30 / 40


Find the value of a.

31 / 40


If the man earns ¢720,000.00 monthly, find how much he spends on food.

32 / 40


What percentage of his salary does he save?

33 / 40


In the diagram, XYZ is a triangle, YW is a straight line. Angle XYZ = 52° and angle XZW = 125, find angle YXZ.

34 / 40

34) There are 18 girls and 22 boys in a class. A prefect is to be chosen at random from the class. What is the probability that the prefect will be a girl?

35 / 40

35) The length of a rectangle is three times its width. If its perimeter is 24 cm, find its width.

36 / 40

36) The interior angle of a regular polygon is 135°. How many sides has the polygon?

37 / 40

37) A square of side 4 cm is enlarged by a scale factor of 3. Calculate the area of the enlarged square.

38 / 40

38) A rectangular tank has length 3 m, width 2 m and height 1.5 m

If the tank is filled with water to ½ of its capacity, calculate the volume of the water in the tank

39 / 40

39) A rectangular tank has length 3 m, width 2 m and height 1.5 m

The Alpha Water Company charges ¢40,000.00 for every 1 m³ of water. Find how much it will cost to fill the tank completely.

40 / 40

40) Express 34m 5cm 6mm in millimetres.

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