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“Amma, Amma, get up and sweep the compound!” Maa Tee shouted. However, Amma had decided she wasn‟t going to work that day.

“What do I do to escape these chores?” Amma asked.

“I‟ll pretend to be ill, then Mama can‟t insist that I do any work. This is a brilliant idea. I‟m not so daft
after all,” she thought.

When Amma told Maa Tee about her headache, MaaTee suspended everything she was doing and ordered her to get ready for the hospital. Poor Amma, her plan had backfired!

On their way to the hospital Amma prayed that the doctor would be absent, but she was out of luck that day. The doctor examined Amma and found her as fit as a fiddle. He then guessed that Amma had feigned illness because she wanted to dodge her usual Saturday morning chores.

“I‟m sorry MaaTee, Amma is very ill. Take her to the injection room for three injections. They will …”

Before the doctor could finish speaking, Amma rushed out of the consulting room with lightening speed and would not stop anywhere till she reached home. The doctor then looked at Maa Tee and burst out laughing as he asked MaaTee to go home. By the time MaaTee got home Amma had finished all the household chores.

1. Ma aTee suspended everything she was doing because

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2) The word daft in the passage means

3 / 40

3) According to the passage Amma

4 / 40

4) From the passage it can be said that MaaTee was a ……….. mother

5 / 40

5) Amma rushed out of the consulting room because she

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Grandpa is a robust centenarian. At his age, his eyesight is as clear as a child‟s and his memory as equally sharp. We have always wondered what has kept him going all these years. “I have a secret theory of life,” is the reply he gives to anyone who asks.

Grandpa‟s secret theory is, after all, quite simple when he explains it. He talks of a joyful attitude to life. He says that joy begets enthusiasm and a burning desire to encourage others. He never walks anyone away who needs help, even though Grandpa can never be described as rich.

Grandpa believes that as we see ourselves in a mirror, so do others see us. The mirror merely reflects what is before it. So if we are wicked, people will see us as wicked and if we are honest, we will not suspect others of being deceitful.

One part of Grandpa‟s secret theory that he holds dearest is his love for truth. He thinks that truth enables one to live a free life devoid of stress and worries. “Let your nay be nay,” he says, whenever he finds one of us telling a lie in order to avoid trouble. He believes that if we tell lies, we will have to create more lies to cover them. On the other hand truth never changes.

Grandpa never ends his explanation without rolling his eyes excitedly and advising us to be true to
ourselves so that we can‟t be false to others.

6. Which of the following is true?

Grandpa is ………………….man.

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7) People ……………..Grandpa

8 / 40

8) devoid of in the passage means

9 / 40

9) According to the passage the mirror …………what a person is.

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10) Grandpa advises us to be true to ourselves in order

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11) Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word in
each sentence

11. All the pupils are skilful at using the computer

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12) The parent who donated the books to our school wants to remain anonymous

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13) Kofi is the most popular man in the village.

14 / 40

14) The PTA meeting has been postponed.

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15) Issah is gentle but his sister is arrogant

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In each of the following sentences a group of words has been underlined. Choose from the alternatives lettered
A to D the one that best explains the underlined words.

16. Your father‟s car is expensive; my father bought his for a song.
This means my father‟s car was

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Fatima warned her brother that his friend had a loose tongue
This means his friend

18 / 40

18) Adzo‟s bad manners make her the black sheep of the family. This means Adzo is a

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When I went to Accra Mr Asah put me up for the night.
This means Mr Asah

20 / 40

20) The Education Ministry takes the li on‟s share of the budget. This means that the Education Ministry

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21) From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence

21. Everybody was happy because we had a fruitful discussion.

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22) Abiola complained that the work was tedious.

23 / 40

23) The students rushed towards the nearest entrance.

24 / 40

24) I believe that Fusena is guilty of the crime.

25 / 40

25) Mrs. Addo is our hostess for the show

26 / 40

26) From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence.

26. Mary and Comfort are …………….arriving this weekend.

27 / 40

27) Abukari prefers dancing ……………swimming.

28 / 40

28) All …………….you are saying is true.

29 / 40

29) My boss says you are ……………..for his liking.

30 / 40

30) Panyin is ………….taller than Kakra.

31 / 40

31) Baby Tee has been missing ………….Saturday.

32 / 40

32) Akua could you ………… your English book?

33 / 40

33) Kofi insisted ……………..painting the house for us.

34 / 40

34) This book is mine and that is ………….

35 / 40

35) If Asi had gone to Beseasi, she …………her mother.

36 / 40

36) You had too much to eat, ……………

37 / 40

37) He came in while I …………….my dinner.

38 / 40

38) The prisoner would neither talk …………….eat.

39 / 40

39) Afote gave his friend …………………… of his bread.

40 / 40

40) John and Anita have always loved …………..

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