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1) Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that fallow.



”Help! Help! Fire!” This and other noises like the banging of doors and crunching footsteps woke Barimah up. “Something must be done,” he exclaimed to his wife Fosua who was already awake. He dressed up quickly, opened the door and went out advising his wife not to leave the house.

It was pitch dark outside; the only light came from the flaming house of Agya Atta. By the time Barimah got there, the house was truly in flames and people had gathered around busily and frantically pouring water and sand on the flames. They were doing everything they could to put out the fire.

Meanwhile, they had managed to rescue a few things from the fire. These Barimah caused to be packed and taken to his house to prevent them from being looted. He then took Agya Atta’s wife and children to his house and quickly returned to fight the flames.

Araba had won the hearts of many people by her good deeds and kindness. It was therefore sad to see her lose her property, as well as the house she and Agya Atta had toiled to build.

1. Barimah asked Fosua to stay indoors because

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2) What did Barimah find immediately he went out?

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3) . .. put out in the passage means

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4) From the passage we can infer that the Barimahs and the Agya Artas are

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5) People sympathized with Araba because she

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6) Many smokers ignore the warning about the dangers of smoking although there is a campaign against the habit. The United Nations has set aside a day to be observed against the killer habit.

The story is told of a young man who became addicted to smoking. In no time, he develop smoking-related diseases and died miserably, leaving behind his wife and children in poverty.

Research shows that the smoker is far more likely to suffer, if not die of major diseases like lung cancer and heart failure, than a non- smoker.

It is generally known that smoking during pregnancy is undesirable. Women who smoke produce
underweight babies. They are also likely to miscarry, have still-born babies or lose them after birth. If such children survive and attend school, they do not perform well.

What is most annoying about smoking is the risk to passive smokers. Non-smokers breathing in smoke from other people’s cigarettes, pipes and cigars stand the risk of contracting the diseases that harm smokers.

If smokers knew how non-smokers fell about them, they would give up the habit. The smoker is regarded by many as a social misfit-one who does not consider the welfare of others but his own interest in smoking, no matter where he is.

6. What has society done about smoking? It has

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7) According to the passage, which of the following is caused by smoking?

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8) Which of the following is true about pregnant women who smoke? They

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9) Passive smokers are those who

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10) Accoroing to the passage, smokers are

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11) Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence

Senyo tried in vain to stop his friend from stealing the kitten.

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12) With hard work we can overcome any problem.

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13) The meal is delicious

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14) The audience applauded the actors at the end of the play.

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15) Jasper lamented the loss of his pet.

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16) In each of the following sentences a word or group of words has been underlined. Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one that best explains the underlined word or group of words.

John is always light-hearted in spite of his problems. This means that in spite of his problems John is always

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17) After that accident Ayorkor has really gone through the mill. This means Ayorkorhas

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18) Moro felt very much at home at his friend’s house. This means that Moro

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19) The students were all ears during the programme. . This means that the students

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20) It took our new prefect two months before he could find his feet. This means that it took the prefect two months before he

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21) From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence.

The Member of Parliament is very generous: he has done much for his people.

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22) If you are indolent, you will not pass the examination.

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23) When asked about the theft, Kwame said he was guilty.

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24) Handle the glass with care; it is fragile.

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25) Some of our customs are old-fashioned

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26) From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence.

Of all the Brown children, Ato is …..

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27) Amma was so frightened ………. she fainted.

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28) Aberewa has …….. friends who often visit her.

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29) Kofi is the boy to …… .I gave the pen

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30) You are tired, ……… ?

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31) He said that he … .. …. come.

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32) When Daddy arrived, Mummy ….. .finished cooking.

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33) He was ……. tired that he couldn’t finish the race.

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34) The farmer was ……. by a poisonous snake.

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35) You have put too …….. sugar in the porrigde

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36) Yaw is a …… … ..

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37) I am ………….. to walking to school everyday.

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38) The mechanic succeeded ………. the generator

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39) Atia has given ……….. smoking.

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40) If I. ……… with my grandmother I would have enjoyed village life.

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