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Since the building of the District Hospital at Kpota, there had sprung up some residential structures around the hospital. One particular cluster of houses took the fancy of Mr. Akpaloo, who told himself that if ever he wanted to build a house, it would be like one of those.

When Mr. Akpaloo thought he was ready to put up his own building, one of the things he did was to look for the plan of the houses that he so admired. He went to the office of Dr. Agbetor, the Hospital Administrator to ask for it. Dr. Agbetor explained that those houses in which Mr. Akpaloo was interested had actually been built by Dr. Grant who still had the blueprint of the structure. Obviously, the person to see was Dr. Grant.

Mr. Akpaloo went and saw Dr. Grant in his magnificent house at Tokoe. The latter explained that it was not prudent to give out the plan that had been specifically designed for those projects. However, he advised Mr. Akpaloo to go to the site and see the caretaker who would show him the rooms. Mr. Akpaloo could then make a sketch of the building.

To the site Mr. Akpaloo went. When he arrived, the caretaker took him round. What had looked like a two-bedroom house from afar, was at close quarters, four-bedroom affair. The difference that distance can make!

1. When were the residential structures built at Kpota?

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2) Dr. Grant did not give the plan to Mr. Akpaloo because

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3) What did Mr. Akpaloo do when he was ready to build a house? He

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4) The word magnificent means

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5) .. . One particular cluster of houses took the fancy of Mr. Akpaloo .. . This means Mr. Akpaloo

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One day a poor fisherman went fishing and caught nothing. He was just about to go home when he felt the net suddenly grow heavy. He thought he had caught a large fish. But when he dragged it ashore, he found only a heavy copper pot sealed with lead. He took it and feeling sure it contained
something valuable, he took his knife, cut the lead top and tuned it upside down. For a moment nothing came out; and then it started to smoke, and this smoke slowly rose right up to the sky like a thick fog. It suddenly turned into a huge genie.

‘Bow down’ said the genie ‘and let me kill you’. ‘Why?’ ,asked the fisherman .. ‘Have you forgotten that I set you free?’
‘Yes, but I have sworn to kill you’, said the genie. ‘I’m a spirit that rebelled against the Creator and to punish me he shut me up in this copper pot. During the first century of my captivity, I swore to make anyone who freed me rich. During my second century, I swore I would grant him any three things. But after these centuries, in anger I swore to kill my liberator without mercy’

‘Well, die I must’. Said the fisherman, ‘but swear that you really were in that pot. It is too small to hold even your little finger. Unless I see it, I shall not believe it.’
‘See then and believe’ said the genie.
He slowly changed back into smoke and entered the pot. The fisherman immediately put back the lead cover and threw it into the sea.

6. According to the passage, the fisherman caught

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7) What is the genie?

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8) The word captivity in the passage, means

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9) How many times did the genie swear?

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10) According to the passage, the

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11) Choose from the alternatives lettered A I to D the one which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.

Arna was persuaded by her brother to change her course

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12) The talented footballer scored three goals.

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13) Araba was saddened because she failed to win the beauty contest.

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14) Charles behaved in an unruly manner towards his teacher.

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15) My mother is very enthusiastic about my success.

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16) In each of the following sentences a word or group of words has been underlined. Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one that best explains the underlined word or group of words.

The accused died without clearing his nameThis means, the man did not

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17) The teacher advised us to go over, our work before submitting them. This means the teacher asked us to ….. our work.

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18) You don’t have to be so high and mighty about your own opinion. This means

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19) Mr. Ala urged Peter and Paul to mend their fences. This means Peter and Paul should

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20) He was asked not to attend the party but he turned a deaf ear to the advice. This means that he ……. the advice.

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21) From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence.

Everyone knows Musa to be very generous

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22) The headmaster rebuked the students who came in late

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23) Naa answered confidence the questions with

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24) Judges are expected to be impartial.

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25) Our father advised us not to exalt ourselves.

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26) From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence

I promised my parents that I. …… study very hard.

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27) If Kofi …….. me, I would have helped him.

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28) Let’s leave now, Akosua, ………. ?

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29) Adjo is …… young to marry.

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30) Give that book of. ……. to Mansah.

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31) …….. the warning of the weatherman, the fishermen went to sea.

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32) We’ve been living here …….. 2001.

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33) Kofi told the court that he had met the suspect two days ……… ..

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34) Kwame has been accused …… stealing the money.

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35) This is the man ……. .I met at the bus stop.

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36) My friend is good ……. English.

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37) I hear the programme was interesting; I wish I. …… there.

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38) Our pastor is now the ……… senior of the .pastors in the church

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39) I prefer oranges ……… mangoes.

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40) I hope the team ………. perform better next year.

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