


1 / 40

1) The most common means by which data are input into the computer is through the

2 / 40

2) Computer devices such as mouse, trackpad and joystick are referred to as

3 / 40

3) The flat panel screen is also known as

4 / 40

4) Which of the following is a storage medium?

5 / 40

5) The two components of the personal computer main memory are

6 / 40

6) Which of the following devices has the largest storage capacity?

7 / 40

7) The process that starts an operating system when a computer system is turned on is referred to as

8 / 40

8) Which of the following statements is not true?

9 / 40

9) GUI stands for

10 / 40

10) The software that manages the communication between the hardware and the application software of a computer system is called

11 / 40

11) Windows organizes information on computers using a

12 / 40


Which of the following are valid folder names
I. Black/Stars II. Black : Stars III. Black_Stars IV. Black Stars

13 / 40

13) Which of the following is not a safety measure to consider in the ICT environment?

14 / 40

14) The legal right to control the production and selling of a book, play, film and software is known as

15 / 40

15) Which of the following can bring enhanced learning experience to the classroom through the use of pictures, videos and sound?

16 / 40

16) Which of the following is an effect of a loud ringing tone of a mobile phone?

17 / 40


To which of the following activities is ICT useful?
I. Education II. Farming III. Medicine

18 / 40


Which of the following keys are frequently used in our daily typing work on a computer system?
I. Enter key II.
Space Bar III. Print Screen IV. Delete Key

19 / 40

19) During typing lessons, computer users are supposed to use

20 / 40

20) The most appropriate finger required to type the letter F on a standard QWERTY computer keyboard is the

21 / 40

21) In the absence of a mouse, which of the following devices could be used to perform its functions?

22 / 40

22) In typing a class assignment given by a Ghanaian Language teacher using the computer, which of the following application programs will be appropriate to use by the student?

23 / 40

23) In the absence of a mouse, which of the following devices could be used to perform its functions?

24 / 40

24) To save a previously saved document under a new name, use the

25 / 40

25) To bold a text in a word processing environment, first select the text, then use the shortcut keys

26 / 40

26) The symbols B, I, U are commonly used buttons found on the

27 / 40

27) Which of the following is not a tool on the drawing toolbar?

28 / 40

28) Which of the following is not a toolbar?

29 / 40

29) Lines, block arrows and flowcharts are located on the

30 / 40

30) The default orientation for a word processing document is

31 / 40

31) To preview a document before printing is necessary because

32 / 40

32) A computer program that enables users to surf the internet is known as

33 / 40


A teacher using the internet decided to send an electronic mail to Junior High School Students in
Ghana. Which of the following will the teacher use to accomplish his/her mission?

34 / 40

34) In e-mail context, what does bcc stand for?

35 / 40

35) The world wide network that makes electronic information available to users is also known as

36 / 40

36) Transferring data from a remote computer to a local computer is referred to as

37 / 40

37) A tool for locating information on the internet is the

38 / 40

38) A mathematical calculation in a spreadsheet is called

39 / 40

39) Which of the following features in a browser enables users to fetch the latest copy of a web page?

40 / 40

40) Which of the following is not a safety measure to consider in the ICT environment?

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