


1 / 40

1) An example of a noble gas is

2 / 40

2) The structure that stores sperms temporarily in the male reproductive system of humans is

3 / 40

3) Which of the following properties of alcohol as a thermometric liquid is correct?

4 / 40

4) In which of the following vegetation zones of Ghana does millet and sorghum growwell?

5 / 40


Which of the following methods is/are used for preserving fish?
I. Canning II. Frying III. Smoking

6 / 40

6) Which of the following practices in the home can prevent disease infection?

7 / 40

7) An example of a semi metal is

8 / 40

8) Which kind of energy transformation takes place in an electric motor?

9 / 40

9) Land race is a breed of

10 / 40

10) In flowering plants, the stamen is made up of

11 / 40

11) Which of the following statements about a transistor is correct?

12 / 40

12) An atom has 6 protons and 7 neutrons in its nucleus. What is its mass number?

13 / 40

13) A record of daily activities on a farm is termed

14 / 40


Which of the following devices work(s)on the principle of transmission of pressure in fluids?
I. Water pumps
II. Syringes
III. Bicycle brakes

15 / 40

15) Which of the following crops is not correctly matched with its group?

16 / 40

16) Which of the following substances is a salt?

17 / 40

17) In which part of the digestive system of a fowl does grinding of feed take place?

18 / 40

18) The parts of a bony fish that are used to control the level at which the fish swims are known as

19 / 40

19) Million’s reagent is used to test for

20 / 40

20) In an n-p-n transistor, the n-type collector is connected to the positive terminal ofthe battery thus making the

21 / 40

21) Which type of vegetation favours both wet and hot environmental conditions?

22 / 40

During drought, some plants dry out because of high
I. atmospheric temperature
II. humidity
III. rate of evaporation

22) Which of the statements above is/are correct?

23 / 40

23) Soil erosion on sloppy farm lands is best controlled by

24 / 40

24) A viable seed is one that

25 / 40

25) Which of the following pairs of structures form part of the female reproductive system of humans?

26 / 40

26) Which of the following chemical symbols is that of a metal?

27 / 40

27) All the living and non-living things that surround an organism constitute its

28 / 40

28) Which of the following crops should be planted after cassava in crop rotation?

29 / 40

29) Endo parasites in farm animals can be controlled by

30 / 40

30) Which of the following devices requires the useoftransistors in its operation?

31 / 40

31) Feel Method is used to determine soil

32 / 40


Which of the following modes of heat transfer is the thermos flask designed to minimize?
I. Conduction II. Convection III. Radiation

33 / 40

33) An atom of an element is represented as .What is the respective number of neutrons and protons in the atom?

34 / 40

34) The anemometer is an instrument used in determining

35 / 40


Which of the following subjects is/are considered as applied science?
I. Biology II. Medicine III. Psychology

36 / 40

36) Chinchilla is a breed of

37 / 40

37) Which of the following characters is not acquired through heredity?

38 / 40

38) The food nutrient which ensures good health in farm animals is

39 / 40

39) The use of resistant breeds of farm animals to control pests is a

40 / 40

40) Which of the following arrangements show the correct order of increasing complexity of structures in living organisms?

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