BECEReligious and Moral EducationGhana BECE 2011 RELIGIOUS AND MORAL EDUCATION (RME) PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS passcogh2 years ago2 years ago01 mins 0% 19 Ghana BECE 2011 RELIGIOUS AND MORAL EDUCATION (RME) ANSWER BECE 2011 RELIGIOUS AND MORAL EDUCATION (RME) PAST QUESTIONS 1 / 40 1) The belief that God sees the secret deeds of all and punishes those who do evil implies that He is A) Sovereign B) Omniscient C) Omnipresent D) Omnipotent 2 / 40 2) The out pouring of the Holy Spirit on Christians is marked by the A) Passover B) Ascension C) Resurrection D) Pentecost 3 / 40 3) The congregational prayers observed by Muslims on Friday is A) Eid B) Janazah C) Zuhr D) Jumuah 4 / 40 4) Adam described Eve as woman because she A) was made a helper fit for man B) allowed the serpent to deceive her C) was the mother of all living D) was made out of his rib 5 / 40 5) Islam show a concern for the poor and needy by practicing A) Zakat B) Zawn C) Salat D) Kalimat 6 / 40 6) Marriages have a good chance to succeed if the A) woman is very beautiful B) man has much money to cater for the wife C) couple is from thesametown D) couple understands eachother 7 / 40 7) “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall A) obtain mercy” B) see God” C) inherit the earth” D) be called sons of God” 8 / 40 8) The name Moses means A) abandoned in water B) drawn out of water C C) baptized with water D) washed in water 9 / 40 9) The Hogbetsotso festival is celebrated to mark the A) death of King Agokorli B) end of the farming season C) end of famine among the Anlo D) migration of the Anlo 10 / 40 10) The Fajr Salat is observed at A) dawn B) night C) sunset D) noon 11 / 40 11) Christians share a common belief that A) the Holy Spirit works with fire B) trust in Jesus Christ brings eternal life C) one who suffers in life will go to heaven D) one should pray to God directly 12 / 40 12) The parable of the prodigal son teaches that one A) needs repentance for forgiveness B) needs to be watchful and loving C) must be faithful and prayerful D) must be committed and hardworking 13 / 40 13) An important religious value of traditional festivals is to A) settle disputes among families B) bring citizens together to sacrifice C) contract marriages D) acknowledge the presence of the ancestors 14 / 40 14) The dream of Joseph about the sun, moon and eleven stars meant that he would A) be sold into slavery by his brothers B) be hated by his brothers C) rule over his family D) become a seer one day 15 / 40 15) The rainbow is important in the storyof Noah because, it A) marked the beginning of the flood B) is a symbol of God‟s covenant C) appears in the horizon in colours D) normally appears after rainfall 16 / 40 16) One of the ways of protecting God‟s creation is by A) polluting air and waterbodies B) killing snakes and other dangerous animals C) engaging in sound farming practices D) constructing buildings and roads 17 / 40 17) The Islamic institution for reducing poverty is A) Salat B) Zakat C) Sawn D) Hajj 18 / 40 18) The following practices apply to Traditional Religion except A) fasting B) sacrifices C) libation D) prayers 19 / 40 19) Which of the following disciples of Jesus were brothers? A) Peter and Andrew B) John and James C) Joseph and John D) Judas and Thomas 20 / 40 20) Theuse ofsand in the absenceofwaterbyaMuslim forpurification is A) Taharah B) Tayammum C) Tashahhud D) Takbir 21 / 40 21) A major reason for establishing a traditional youth organization is to A) protect ancestors and the gods B) fight those who destroy the environment C) defend the interest of the community D) embark on educational tours 22 / 40 22) Behaviour patterns of individuals approved by society are known as A) sacrament B) rituals C) taboos D) moral values 23 / 40 23) School rules are meant to ensure A) competition among children B) punishment for school children C) patriotism among children D) good behaviour of children 24 / 40 24) A person who is sincere and uprightin his/herwaysis said to be A) honest B) tolerant C) grateful D) generous 25 / 40 25) Which of the following is responsible for morality in traditional society? A) Linguist B) Fortune teller C) Chiefpriest D) Gonggongbeater 26 / 40 26) A father shows commitment to the family by A) treating all dependants with patience and toleranc B) being punctual at work and helping others C) being stead fast at prayer and sacrificing D) travelling with wife outside the country 27 / 40 27) Which of the following is an effect of drug abuse? A) Truancy B) Obedience C) Truthfulness D) Politeness 28 / 40 28) The best way to live in peace in a community is to A) sit on the fence B) enter into conflict with your neighbours C) disagree with your enemies D) understand and co-operate with others 29 / 40 29) It is a bad habit to use one‟s leisure time in A) gossiping about friends B) playing games C) reading storybooks D) telling stories 30 / 40 30) It is our responsibility to prevent the spread of cholera by A) taking good care of our wounds B) keeping our surroundings clean C) immunizing against the six killer diseases D) eating a balanced diet 31 / 40 31) A child who apologizes for committing an offence is said to be A) knowledgeable B) intelligent C) obedient D) law abiding 32 / 40 32) “A child breaks the shell of a snail but not that of the tortoise” This implies that one should A) work hard B) be kind to animals C) not be over ambitious D) be afraid of tortoise 33 / 40 33) A person is regarded as tolerant when the person is A) brilliant B) hardworking C) patient D) truthful 34 / 40 34) To live a chaste life, one must A) speak the truth B) be courageous C) be humble D) avoid casual sex 35 / 40 35) Which of the following is a symptom of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)? A) Suffering from the waist B) Rapid loss of weight C) Sleeping very often D) Strong pains in the abdomen 36 / 40 36) Repeating abad deed shows that one A) wants another opportunity to make amends B) has not regretted C) is determined to ask for pardon D) has realized and accepteda fault 37 / 40 37) Giving money to a person to influence a decision is A) corruption B) cheating C) bribery D) embezzlement 38 / 40 38) All the followingareteachers‟responsibilities towards their pupils except A) ensuring discipline B) making themselves approachable C) feeding hungry pupils at school D) inviting parents of troublesome children 39 / 40 39) A happy and prosperous life depends on A) respect B) hard work C) courage D) obedience 40 / 40 40) The first thingto do whenyou enter ahouseis to A) remove your sandals B) ask for water C) offergreetings D) ask for a seat Your score is Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Post navigation Previous: Ghana WASSCE 2018 BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSNext: Ghana WASSCE 2004 CORE MATHS PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. 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