BECEReligious and Moral EducationGhana BECE 2012 RELIGIOUS AND MORAL EDUCATION (RME) PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS passcogh2 years ago2 years ago21 mins 0% 12 Ghana BECE 2012 RELIGIOUS AND MORAL EDUCATION (RME) ANSWER BECE 2012 RELIGIOUS AND MORAL EDUCATION (RME) PAST QUESTIONS 1 / 40 1) The biblical commandment which has a promise of blessing is A) not to commit adultery B) not to make for yourself graven images C) remember the Sabbath day D) honour your father and mother 2 / 40 2) In Christianity, the sky,seas, animals and other living things came into being through A) the lesser gods B) God‟s command C) natural order D) the laws of God 3 / 40 3) Ablution is done before prayers in order to A) ensure purity of the body B) get closer to Allah C) have prayers answered in time D) win the favour of Allah 4 / 40 4) The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us to A) show gratitude to people B) be helpful to others C) be time conscious D) forgive others 5 / 40 5) The traditional man wears talismans in order to A) seek protection against enemies B) give birth to children C) become rich D) bring peace and love into his family 6 / 40 6) According to Akan belief, the order of creation is A) rivers, plants, earth and sky B) plants, rivers, sky and earth C) sky, earth, rivers and plants D) earth, rivers, plants and sky 7 / 40 7) A summary of the ten commandments is A) worshipping the Almighty God only B) love for God and one‟s neighbor. C) obedience to parents and the elderly D) observing the Sabbath and keeping it holy 8 / 40 8) The Holy Communion reminds Christians of Jesus‟ A) birth B) last supper C) resurrection D) crucifixion 9 / 40 9) Ramadan is the A) month of fasting B) month of Hijra C) feast of sacrifice D) feast of breaking fast 10 / 40 10) The main reason for celebrating the Homowo Festival is to A) visit the shrines B) hoot at hunger C) outdoor twins D) sprinkle spiritual food 11 / 40 11) The patriarchal covenant was made between God and A) Abraham B) Noah C) Moses D) Aaron 12 / 40 12) The main lesson that can be learnt from the story of Noah and the flood is A) sincerity B) truthfulness C) obedience D) tolerance 13 / 40 13) Some tribes forbid marriages with close relatives because A) the couple may die early B) it leads to bareness C) it is seen as incest D) it leads to quarrels 14 / 40 14) Jesus accepted to be baptized by John in order to A) show His faith in John‟s power B) confirm His sonship of God C) fulfil all righteousness D) make the Jews happy 15 / 40 15) Which Christian virtue did Joseph exhibit in his life? A) Repentance B) Forgiveness C) Tolerance D) Humility 16 / 40 16) In a prayer of confession, Christians A) give thanks for all the gifts they received B) say sorry to God for their sins C) adore God who created them D) ask for help in times of trouble 17 / 40 17) A Muslim is a person who A) recites the Qur‟an B) visits Mecca annually C) comes from Arabia D) submits to the will of Allah 18 / 40 18) The festival celebrated by Christians to mark the resurrection of Jesus is known as A) Passover B) Pentecost C) Easter D) Christmas 19 / 40 19) The combination of the Fajr and Asr prayers makes A) six rakats B) eight rakats C) two rakats D) five rakats 20 / 40 20) One way by which humankind pollutes the air in the city is by A) the use of detergents B) smoke from the burning of wood C) smoke from motor vehicles D) the use of insecticides 21 / 40 21) A citizen who indulges in social vices in the community is said to be A) unpatriotic B) untruthful C) unfriendly D) unreliable 22 / 40 22) Greetings are important because they A) open up conversation B) expose disrespectful behaviour C) portray one‟s intelligence D) show a good leader 23 / 40 23) Asking for forgiveness is an indication that a bad deed will be A) pardoned B) exposed C) forgotten D) repeated 24 / 40 24) Children who are obedient and live good moral lives are A) envied by others B) praised in the society C) sent to challenge the elderly D) . known to be smart in school 25 / 40 25) People avoid dangerous substances in order to A) stay healthy B) develop their potentials C) be respected by society D) study hard 26 / 40 26) Which of the following is a form of physical punishment A) Fine B) Scolding C) Reprimand D) Caning 27 / 40 27) To show that a person is patient, he/ she must A) wait for the right time B) preach to people often C) visit the sick regularly D) worship at appointed times 28 / 40 28) A defensive mechanism that can help protect students against drug abuse is A) to control one‟s temper B) reporting drug peddlers to the police C) refusing and saying no to drugs D) living a chaste life 29 / 40 29) Which of the following behaviours can best be described as comportment? A) Respect for one‟s parents B) Respect for oneself C) Control of one‟s temper D) Love for one‟s enemy 30 / 40 30) Removing one‟s hat when greeting an elder constitutes A) fear of God B) comportment C) tolerance D) good manners 31 / 40 31) The saying, Time is money means A) money is not gained without spending time B) time fetches money C) good use of time brings profit D) more time spent on work brings profit 32 / 40 32) The main aim of the Girls Brigade is to A) produce good Christian womanhood B) assist girls to attend school C) encourage girls to work hard D) help establish more girls schools 33 / 40 33) The best way to live in peace in a community is to A) sit on the fence always B) keep to oneself always C) be afraid of those in authority D) understand and co-operate with others 34 / 40 34) Rules and regulations of the country need to be obeyed in order to A) save people from imprisonment B) promote the formation of political parties C) promote peaceful co-existence D) stop rivalry among political parties 35 / 40 35) In traditional society, the provision of shelter is the responsibility of the A) grandfather B) uncle C) father D) mother 36 / 40 36) Carrying out instructions given by the elderly shows that one is A) sincere B) obedient C) strong D) truthful 37 / 40 37) Social conflicts can best be resolved by A) tolerating and forgiving B) being principled and humble C) being authoritative and principled D) Obeying the scriptures 38 / 40 38) Humankind works in order to A) beloved by everyone B) cater for one‟s basic needs C) go to heaven D) win souls for Christ 39 / 40 39) Using one‟s position to amass wealth at the expense of the public is A) corruption B) unfaithfulness C) greed D) bribery 40 / 40 40) In order to live in harmony with family members, we must be A) faithful B) courageous C) respectful D) brave Your score is Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Post navigation Previous: Ghana WASSCE 2018 ENGLISH PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSNext: Ghana WASSCE 2008 ENGLISH PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2 thoughts on “Ghana BECE 2012 RELIGIOUS AND MORAL EDUCATION (RME) PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS” I want this as an app on my phone Reply THE APP IS UNDERDEVELOPMENT Reply Leave a Reply to Erica Appiah Dansoh Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. 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I want this as an app on my phone